Amphibious Troops crawling slowly, appeared from the sea wave’s roll, one by
one, hundreds in number broke the full moon’s dim night. Suddenly, one by one
they disappeared in the sandy beach. Wow, they are good style and actions to
invaders this earth. Was it The Alien Invasion ? Sorry, not at all.It was a
flock of turtles that would lay eggs in Ujung Genteng and Pangumbahan Beaches.
This coastal area is indeed a place for the turtle troops living in south beach
of West Java Indonesia to lay eggs.
Digging the sands, numbers in them once they lay egg. Then they heaped
the full of egg holes until the holes were level again and the trace of digging
was invisible. Those turtle troops expected the hot of sunshined sandy beach would
hatch their eggs and bear the next turtle troops generation.
For the
turtles egg hunter fisherman, it is not difficult to find the hole where the
eggs hidden. He only follows the turtles footprint from the beach, and it is
certain that the end of the footprint is the hole where the turtles laid eggs.
The turtles elastic skinned eggs is indeed tasty, and it’s price is also
expensive enough when sold and it is one of the fisherman’s source in earning
their live around Ujung Genteng and Pangumbahan.
preserve the conservation of the turtle troops whose number begins to decrease,
the local government has arrange time when to harvest and when to let the eggs
hatched. For the Tour Adventures who interested to peep at turtles laying, it
is a tensed absorption, as you may not disturb them with noisy voice that make
them fear and go back to the sea. So, what do you think about it ? This is will
be the best your Tour Adventure experiences. To reached this area, just 144
kilometers distance in direction of West Sukabumi city. The trip to Ujung
Genteng and Pangumbahan is still not so smooth. However for your The Tour
Adventure it is not an obstacle.