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East Kalimantan

East Kalimantan Province

The Capital City of East Kalimantan Province is “Samarinda”

East Kalimantan is the widest province in Indonesia, broadly region is about 245237,80 Km2 or about one a half point of Java Island and Madura or 11 % from Indonesia region wide total. This province abuts on direct with neighboring state, that is Sabah and Serawak, East Malaysia This is the most edvanced province of the island from the point of view of Tour Adventure  development as well as industrially as a major producer of oil and timber. It is population numbers less than three million, with density fugure of seven people per square kilometer, among the lowest of Indonesia.More than 80 percent of the area or more than 17 million hectares, is covered by forest. This is where the “Black Orchid” and many other orchid varieties grow within the sheltered confines of nature reserves.

The Banjar and Kutai make up the majority of the coastel population, living in the towns and cities. The Dayak tribe peoples form the overwhelming majority of the population of the hinterland, living in long houses called “Umaq Daru”. It is usual for one whole extended family or even one clan to accupy one long house. Each family is given a separate compartment with the cheaf of the clan occupying the central chamber. Guardian statues are normally places in front of the long house to protect it against evil spirits who bring diseases and bad fortunes.The Dayaks are also known for their artisty, making beautiful cloths and ornaments for their traditional houses. The Tunjung Dayaks still make a kind of cloth called “Doyo”, which is woven from certain plant fibers and was used in the past in rituals but are now often offered for sale to visitors.

East Kalimantan (Indonesian: Kalimantan Timur abbrv.Kaltim) is the second largest Indonesian province, located on the Kalimantan region on the east of Borneo island. The resource-rich province has two major cities, Samarinda (the capital and a center for timber product) and Balikpapan (a petroleum center with oil refinery). Ever since Indonesia opened its mineral and natural resources for foreign investment in 1970s, East Kalimantan province has experienced major boost of timber, petroleum and other exotic forest products. The state-owned petroleum company Pertamina has been operated in the area since it took control oil refinery from the Royal Dutch Shell company in 1965.The population is a mixture of people from the Indonesian archipelago with Dayaks and Kutai as indigenous ethnic groups living in rural areas. Prominent other migrant ethnic groups include Javanese, Chinese, Banjarese, Bugis and Malays, of which mostlylive in coastal areas.

A major producer of oil and timber, East Kalimantan is at present the most industrially advanced province of the island. Its population numbers less than two million, and the density figure of seven people per kilometer is among the lowest of Indonesia, although relatively high for Kalimantan. More than 80 percent of the area, or over 17 million hectares is covered by forest. This is where the "Black Orchid" and many other orchid varieties grow within the sheltered confines of nature reserves. The Banjarese and Kutainese are mostly the coastal population, living in towns and cities. The Dayak peoples form the overwhelming majority of the population of the hinterland, who live in long-houses called umaq daru. It is customary for one whole extended family or even one clan to occupy one long- house. Each family is given a separate compartment with the chief of the clan occupying the central chamber. Guardian statues are normally placed in front of the long house to protect it against evil spirits who bring disease and bad fortune. Such long-houses, however, are gradually disappearing and many have been converted into meeting halls or stages for dance and music performances. The Dayaks are also known for their artistry, making beautiful cloths and ornaments for their traditional houses. The Tunjung Dayaks still make a kind of cloth called doyo, which is woven from certain plant fibers, used in the past in rituals. But now they are offered for sale to visitors. Oil and natural gas are found along the entire east coast, with refineries centered at Balikpapan and Bontang.

Oil and natural gas are found along the entire east coast, with refineries centered at Balikpapan and Bontang.

East Kalimantan is the biggest province in Kalimantan Island cover region with a width of 245237 Km2 with number of populations more than two millions men. East Kalimantan is the richest of natural sources area in Kalimantan. This region is rich of oil,coal, gold, wood and natural gas. The most of Natural Resources of East Kalimantan, have exported and give high contribution for the nation income. Based on history note, the eldest Kingdom of Hindu in Indonesia is reside in this area. This conclusion based on note of inscription that being found in 'Lembah Wahau',in north of Tenggarong that coming from 5 century. This eldest Empire of Hindu had mentioned that has done contact with India and Sriwijaya Kingdom. The substitution of this Hindu Empire is Sultanate Kutai that emerging at third century with its capital of in Tenggarong. Kutai then become the center commerce of Denting in this region and Tenggarong become the biggest and busier town in East Kalimantan, finally shifted by Samarinda and Balikpapan at 20 century. Kalimantan was known as one of main oil producer area in Indonesia. The exploitation of Oilfield in this area have been done since 1897 started from delta area Mahakam River, while distillation area of oil is focused in Balikpapan.

In 1913,the oil production in East Kalimantan can yield half Indonesia's production oil (when below Dutch power) and Balikpapan reach it's glorious from the abundance of oil production in this Mahakam River area. Mahakam River is busy river with crowded river traffic. Mahakam River has become the main roadway in East Kalimantan. Various vehicles of downstream river go upstream in this river. From navigable Samarinda, Mahakam River towards finite upstream of 523 Km passes various towns and villages, which located in this great river periphery. Public around river build their house above pillars so that remain to be safe although river water bubble up when it rains.


Based on the government region, this province is divided into 4 municipal administrations, and 9 regencies and 122 Districts, 1347 villages and 191 sub-districts. East Kalimantan Province has 13 Regencies and Cities :
1. Berau Regency, 2. Bulungan Regency, 3. Kutai West Regency, 4. Kutai Kartanegara Regency, 5. Kutai East Regency, 6. Malinau Regency, 7. Nunukan Regency, 8. Pasir Regency, 9. North Penajam Paser Regency, 10. Balikpapan City, 11. Bontang City, 12. Samarinda City, 13. Tarakan City.

Traditional Costumes
Costume are worn by Dayak Modangnese consist of Baju Bisunung (shirt) and Celana Abet (short pants).As an accessories these costume be complemented by shield for combat and Mandau (traditional knife) which are both used as a traditional weapon to oppose the enemy.The other accessories are head covers made of plaited rattan (Beluko), and Uleng.The men usually wear a necklace made of small stone and tiger's teeth. The women wear Sapai (shirt) and Ta'ah (long skirt).Enggang's feather to be created for decoration of Tapung (head tie) that it show's prestige and human dignity.As a jewerly was used very unique necklace and bracelets.

Samarinda is known for it’s fine sarong cloths. The capital of East Kalimantan shows all the signs of being the capital of a prosperous province. New goverenment offices and public utilities are rising everywhere. Samarinda has a number of modest but comfortable hotels.

Balikpapan, the center of Kalimantan’s oil industry, is also the gateway to Last Kalimantan with air and sea connections to Jakarta and other major points in Indonesia. Even the trip to the provincial capital, Samarinda, begins in Balikpapan. In accordance with it’s importance, Balikpapan has a number of good hotels, including one of international standard, as well as recreation facilities.

The objects of interests are:
Tenggarong, Bontang City, Tanah Merah Waterfall, Melak & Kersik Luay, Tanjung Isuy, Tarakan Regency, Nunukan Regency, Kutai National Park, Crocodile Teritip Breeding, Samarinda Sarong.

East Kalimantan’s main gateway is not the capital Samarinda, but oil city of Balikpapan to it’s south. Daily air services link Balikpapan with Jakarta, Banjarmasin in Central Kalimantan, Ujung Pandang and Surabaya. For trips into the Dayak hinterland, first take the bus or car to Samarinda, the continue from Samarinda by boat upstream along the Mahakam river. For the local people, the rivers are the main traffic arteries.

For complete information you could have on the “Text Book Guiding To Indonesia” By F. I. Fatrick.

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